Modern Desk Essentials: Make a Correspondence Kit

A wonderful guide to correspondence kits.



Recently I found myself writing a letter to a friend who resolved to be a better letter-writer this year. It’s been almost a year since I myself started my letter-writing project (the first anniversary is in March), and while I’ve written more letters over these past eleven months than I have in the rest of my years combined, I know I too have room for improvement. However, I’ve also developed a system that helps hugely in the turnover rate of my correspondence. This how-to post serves not only as advice for pen-friends looking to streamline their postal process, but as a reminder to myself of the reasons why this blog even exists!

1. Find a Container


Get yourself a box or a special, durable folder in which to stash your correspondence gear.Portability is a top priority here, but if your container is also attractive and unique you’ll use it more often. I have an A4-sized…

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